Friday, September 19, 2014

A Different Season for Me

All of my kids are in the school full day
I have about seven hours uninterrupted time by myself
A neighbor asked me
" What will you do ?"
I answered, " I will enjoy myself !"
Another friend asked me
" Don't you feel lonely, all alone by yourself ?"
I said, " Not really, "

There are always house chores to be done
Yesterday, I did two loads of laundry
Vacuumed and cleaned up the bedrooms
The kitchen is always in need of a quick tidy up

Sometimes I meet a friend or two,or have a chat with a neighbor
I exercise twice or three times a week

I go to the groceries , stores and library regularly

I eat meal by myself , sometimes accompanied with a book , or a laptop or a friend or two. Sometimes I eat out but mostly at home
yesterday lunch at home
iced coffee, black bean stew with tortilla chips, tomato and egg soup,
boca burger sandwich, 
I read the Bible , pray , and write my favorite verses in a piece of paper or in a notebook. I jot down ideas for some future writing or blog post

I chat with friends on facebook or telephone

Well, those are things that I do daily now...uninterrupted, for about seven hours
And, I quiet enjoy doing them


  1. This could be the "Year of Tirsa"! Tahun pertama anak2 semua sekolah full time... hehehe... temen Glenny udah plan for her "Year". Dia mau join PTA trus ikutan organisasi ini itu ... It's time to do all the things that were delayed due to child rearing... hehehee.... enjoy your year and the years to come!! :) It's well deserved!
