Wednesday, May 27, 2015


God sent his prophet, Nathan, to rebuke David. He told him a story about a rich man who took the poor man’s beloved ewe lamb. David was furious against the rich man. David said the rich man deserved to die. Nathan’s finger then pointed at King David. He, himself, was the rich man. The poor man was Uriah. The ewe lamb was Uriah’s wife.

David proved that he was a man after God’s own heart after all. He acknowledged his sin. The Lord forgave him, but he would experience the painful consequences. The baby would die. There would be killing and incest in David’s family.
                As for the beautiful woman, she got pregnant with King David for the second time. Her son was Solomon , whom God loved. Among many sons of King David, the messiah came through his line. 

The affair between King David and Uriah’s wife was tragic. Let this affair remind us about God’s love. He forgave David and Uriah’s wife. He love their second son, Solomon, who later became a great king. God was faithful to them even though the affair itself was a proof of their unfaithfulness.

As for the beautiful woman whom Prophet Nathan allegorized to be a ewe lamb, the Bible was not clear whether she seduced King David or not. The lamb after all was took away by the rich man. She was more of an object here.

There was another mentioned of lambs as objects in Luke 10 :3…Go! I am sending you out like lambs among wolves.            
Did the ewe lamb show lack of judgement, naïve, and vulnerability when she was taking a bath outside? Did she watch around to make sure there were no prying eyes from the rooftop far away? Only God knows.

The name of the beautiful woman a.k.a Uriah’s wife a.k.a the ewe lamb was Bathsheba, which means daughter of the oath. 

Tuesday, May 26, 2015


She was a beautiful woman. A glance of her from the rooftop was enough to make a King abandoned his common sense. The King was the mighty King David, a man after God’s own heart, yet he was also a man after lustful heart. He sent someone to find out about her. The fact that she was married to an army officer who was fighting for the country did not deter King David from his desire. He sent messengers (please notice that there were more than one of them) to take her. She came to him and he slept with her.

The bible was very short in telling about this affair. There was no explanation if the affair was consensual and pleasing to both parties.  The problem was she got pregnant and the King must kill her husband, Uriah, to protect his dignity. Uriah died in the war. She mourned for her husband.

After she formally became a widow, King David married her. Her status changed. She became one of many wives owned by the King. Her belly grew big, accommodating the growth of King’s baby. The Bible did not tell us about her feeling at all. How long did she mourned for her first husband? Did she fall in love with her second husband, the King? Was she happy with the pregnancy?   

The Bible told us one party who was not happy. God.

To Be Continued

Saturday, May 23, 2015

martabak telur jamur

Ini gara-gara Uti, di group WA teman kuliah, 
yang bercerita tentang martabak jamur
Suami saya suka sekali dengan martabak manis atau terang bulan
Tapi saya biasa biasa tuh
Saya sukanya martabak telur
Saya memang lebih suka dengan snack yang asin daripada yang manis

Saya penasaran dengan martabak jamur yang diceritakan Uti
Saya search di internet resepnya
Ternyata martabak jamur itu , tidak seluruhnya jamur
pakai ayam juga... Bolehlah ditambahkan jamur, sebagai extra fiber

Kebetulan siang itu ada satu kotak jamur dan daun bawang di rumah, 
Juga ada sisa daging babi kecap, dan sedikit udang di freezer
Saya campur semuanya dengan telor, taruh campuran ini di dalam kulit lumpia
Lalu digoreng...

Rasanya ? Lumayanlah..., dariapada tidak ada
Bahkan anak-anak pun suka
Bisa dijadikan snack atau dimakan dengan nasi sebagai lauk

Monday, May 18, 2015

Avocado Frozen Treats

Here in the USA, I find the avocados in dips, salsa, spreads, sandwich, salad, tacos, burritos. Back in Indonesia, avocados are used in cold desserts such as smoothies, ice cream. They are the fixing for es campur or Indonesian snow cone.

Last week at my local grocery, the avocados were on sale. I bought two. I thought I would ate them as is, maybe after a workout. Added protein and good cholesterol as I tried to shed off the winter extra pounds.

Well, my good intention did not work and they were ripening.

So, I made them into frozen treats instead. I blended the avocados with ice cubes, milk, sugar, condensed milk, and instant coffee.
Portion them in Dixie cups, then put them in the freezer. I mixed the adults portion with Bailey (or Kahlua )

Yours are in the upper shelves
Don't take mine, kids !
And I need more zumba sessions afterward...