Sunday, June 29, 2014

hardcore or not hardcore indonesian ?

Which one are you ?

1. Eating steamed rice with your bare right hand....hardcore
2. Using fork to eat rice...not hardcore

3. Having instant noodles for breakfast...hardcore
4. Milk and cereal for breakfast...not hardcore

5. Having KFC with ABC and rice...hardcore
6. What's ABC ?...not hardcore

7. Dishwasher to drain your dishes...hardcore
8. Dishwasher to wash the dishes...not hardcore

9. Having ice cream in a cone ...not hardcore
10. Having ice cream in a slice of white bread...hardcore


  1. 1. Depends. Kalo makan ayam goreng + lalapan + sambel terasi - bare hands is the only way to go, baby!

    3. Indomie... seleraku!

    5. That's the only way to go!!!! Kalo nggak pake nasi n sambel ABC, rasanya ada yang kurang.... hehehehe...

    8. I guess I am not hardcore regarding dishwasher. :)

    10. Oh my goodness... apalagi es krimnya es krim yang abang abang itu.... huehheee.... how did they get the idea of putting ice cream in bread in the first place? :)
