Sunday, January 27, 2013

Relax and Grateful

Sometimes ( more than I would like to ) I envy others. Their accomplishments, look, spouse, kids, stuff, character, pedigree, education, ideas, money, skills, opportunities, ancestor, home, garden, car, etc.
How I wish to be like them or in their position. Then , I continue to devise a plan to compete with them. Maybe I should do this or that. Maybe my husband or kids should do this instead of that.

But the list goes on and the neighbor's grass is always greener and I become tired .

I often get frustrated with myself. I worry about what others think. I am afraid of others judging me while I naturally incline to judge others. I thought I should do better. I aim to strive.

Thanks to God , 1 Col : 27 said , " To them God has chosen to make known among the Gentiles the glorious riches of this mystery, which is Christ in you, the hope of glory, "

The end of that verse brings hope for me. Christ in me , the hope of glory. Simple.

Not accomplishment, look, spouse, kids, character, pedigree, education, ideas, money, skill, opportunities, ancestor, etc. Just having Christ in my heart is a guarantee that I have the hope of glory.

So I can just be relax and grateful in Him.  Amen


  1. Tirsa, you envy somebody's ancestor? ..... Money, accomplishment, I can understand .. but ancestor? :) There's absolutely nothing that we can do about our ancestor... :P

  2. Some people had some fancy upbringing. Also I love the English royalties. But they had some sad stories as well..
