Monday, March 11, 2013

A Rather Unusal Day

This morning at my kids' school, there were three police cars. Kids were outside.
I've been asked by the traffic ladies to park and let the kids wait inside the car.
What happened ? Accident ? Robbery ? Fighting ?
Well.. it was a bomb threat.
Later on there was a sniffing dog, going around and inside the school with an officer

Thank God , everything went well.. no panic or chaos.
The kids were waiting inside the buses because it was rather cold
After three hours searched , the police said the school was clear and safe
No bomb on the premises. The school activities were cancelled.
The kids who were not picked up by their parents stayed in the school. 

Some of the parents could easily pick up their kids
( like me, who stay at home during the day )
But for the ones who work outside the home,
I imagined it would be complicated to pick up and arrange the care
( for my Asian friends who have maids or relatives at home, don't take them for granted )

When I emailed my Bible study leader about the bomb threat
She pointed to the positives . I prefer to thank God
for the police and the school who worked hard for the safety of my kids
instead of worrying about or cursing the person who did the sick joke like that

PS : It was very nice to see one parent brought some coffees from McDonald's for the teachers today

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