Wednesday, February 22, 2012

The Overcoming Life

I found this little book in the used books store at the library. It costs only 25 cents.
It's written by Dwight L. Moody , a famous evangelist during the turn of the century.
I was a little hesitant to buy this book because there is a print " Moody Classics " on the cover.
When I think of classics , sometimes ( and a lot of times ) I think of something serious and boring.
I bought it anyway , since it was very cheap.

After I read it, I considered it a real treasure...It's simple, straightforward , easy to understand.
If it's a meal, it's a delicious, simple, hearty, and healthy meal..that left you satisfied and energized . It's not a fancy schmancy  amuse bouche ..or a yummy high calorie dessert.

And... this is a giveaway for you...
If you want it, just leave a comment in this blog ( not in my facebook ..not in my email ), say you want it.
I'll give it to you...


  1. kalo lu bilang bagus, gw mo pinjem baca ajah, nti gw balikin kl dah selesai. thx.
